Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Energize the Church, I pray.

Lord, I am reminded of the challenge of the Great Commission and I am asking for a You to call us into the fray of the battle. Lord, refresh us with a new passion to serve and fulfill the call to serve. Lord, I pray for unity and peace within the church. Lord we need you. We are desperate to see your hand at work. We realize that nothing is possible without you and that any thing is possible with you.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ron and Worship Leaders.

God, I pray that you will use them powerfully today. Give them a true understanding of your power as they lead. Lord, prepare our church for the words they sing. I pray they'll hold nothing back from You.

Lord Reign today in Worship

Lord, I thank you for today. Even as people wake I pray that you will draw them together for worship. Lord we need You so desperately today.  I pray that we will honor You. Take away all distraction, I pray. Hold us in your hands.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lord I pray for generousity in our church

Jehovah Jireh,

We realize that you are the giver of all good things. Thank you for this church. We long to be a church of generosity and daring faith. I pray that You will give us the resources we need to overcome challenges and ministry needs. Lord, I lift up the needs we have to contribute worldwide to ministry and missions. Lord, I pray for the fields that are ready for harvest. Give us a passion for the souls of people. Lord, You have everything we need. I pray that we will be trustworthy servants.

I also ask that You provide for the unemployed in our church. Lord, I pray for You to provide the right jobs at the right time. Lord, may they be strengthened in their faith. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mondays Prayers

Lord, more than anything, we desire you to help us be overcomers. We are often overwhelmed by adverstiy as we see brother and sisters experience sickness, hardship, job loss and relationship messes, but we declare You Lord over every event that occurs in our lives.
Thanks for a great sunday.
Teach us to pray!

what an amazing time of fellowship as we celebrated communion around tables last night. Lord, unite our church and build us up. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Morning Prayers

Lord, as we brace ourselves for your presence this morning I pray that we will open ourselves up to the sheer force of Your Presence. Lord, I don't know the best way to open people up to your message. Lord help me as I speak.  Give me power and urgency regarding your desire for us.  Lord Jesus, Son of God redeem the time today. Lord, I ask You to change a life.  Lord, anoint our Bible study leaders as they speak to Your Words to the people.

Lord, I pray that you will provide for the needs of our fellowship so that we can have an impact on people around the world.

Lord, Thank you for the provision of Grace you give each of us who call upon your. Lay bare the hearts of Your people and those that don't know you as Lord. I pray for healing to take place this morning.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Lord, I ask you to continue to pour out Your passionate heart upon Josh.  Thank You for bringing him to our church.  Lord, give him success in the hearts of students. I pray that you'll use him this Sunday for your glory.

New Day

Lord, this is a new day at BBC.  I thank you for guiding us into new adventures.  I know there are lots of people all around us that are searching for answers. Help us focus on making a difference in people's lives and not focusing on the petty inner-workings of church polity. Lord, keep us desperate for your grace, love and vision.  Lord, I pray that you will bless Bob Thomack today.  Give Him the strength to continue fighting this battle in front of him.  I also pray for Robert Coker.  Lord, I pray for healing.  Lord, I do not doubt Your power to wipe out this cancer. Lord, let Your glory fly high in His life.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Today is Yours

Lord, I open today with prayers for revelation in the lives of these people I love. Help us to encourage one another and build each other up. Thank you for unity. May I never take it for granted.  Lord, evangelize the earth through the fellowship of BBC.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sermon Sunday

Lord, I ask for your grace and mercy as I proclaim radical love.  What does that look like?  I ask for a vision of your love and grace that changes me even before Sunday arrives. I ask that You make my words pure and understandable.  I pray for a powerful spirit of Worship and Praise among us.  As we worship, I pray that you will break the bonds of addiction and bitterness. Lord, release Your Spirit of love.


Lord, I am so thankful for bringing us to a new place at our church.  Thank you for providing everything we need.  I thank You for sacrificial givers that are helping us to find our place and mission. Lord, thank you for old faces returning and new faces coming. Thank You for people firmly committed to the mission and for all the encouragement they provide.

Lord, I pray for this Sunday.  Lord, let your healing power continue to flow among us.  Make us one, Lord. Lord, I pray for our deacons that are meeting tonight.  I give them to You.  thanks for men who are passionate to see You move.  Make us one Lord.