Thursday, June 30, 2011

For Sunday

Lord, I beg You for more.  Give us Your presence.  Help me to speak boldly.  Get the people there.  Lord, I pray for Loren and Josh as they minister to our kids.  Also I pray that Sunday will be a defining moment for someone who needs the courage to trust you with all that is in the way of a spiritual breakthrough they need. Move me out of the way as I teach.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unity in Our Fellowship

Lord of Our Lives,

I praise you for the unity we experienced this weekend.  I praise Holy Spirit that You will now give us an outward focus.  Help us maintain the unity of our fellowship while we minister and prepare for what You will do this Sunday and the time in between.

Wayne Raymond


I pray for wisdom for the doctors.  Help them to get a very precise prognosis of his health and give him the right strategy for his blood pressure issues.  Thanks for such an amazing man who sacrifices daily for the sake of Your work here at BBC.

Our Staff

Lord Jesus Son of God,

Thanks for such a great team that seeks after Your heart.  I pray for an amazing meeting today as we work on ministry plans and cast vision for the next couple of weeks.  I am grateful for Wendy, Josh, Loren, Shirley, Theresa and Ron. Bless their families.  Protect them from burnout and discouragement.  You are at work and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lord, Make us one

I'm so thrilled that Sunday went well and I long to see You do even more.  Lord, make us one.  I pray that you'll give everyone an understanding and desire to do everything You ask us to do- starting with me.

Prepare us

Father God, prepare us for the task ahead. We cannot do everything You have called us to do.  (Not even close) without Your presence. So I'm inviting You to completely take over and led us.  Lord, help me to hear your voice and supply every need that we have.

I lift up our life groups and growth groups. Lord Jesus, author of truth, allow people to be honest about their struggles.

 Prepare us for something amazing- whatever it is. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Prayer for Spiritual Daring

Lord, As we enter into this new series, I pray that You will fill us with courage and daring. I ask you to pour out Your Spirit upon us.   Thank you for the Secret Church experience last night.  This was an incredible day.  Thank You for David Platt.  Thanks for the way You prepare us for the days ahead through solid teaching. Thank you for assuring me that you are going to provide everything we need to accomplish the task.  Lord, I trust you.  Unite us, O Lord!!  

Thank You Father

You are amazing to us!  I praise God that You did such amazing things Sunday!  Lord, unite us and prepare us for Your Kingdom advancement.  I praise you for all the ways you have encouraged us, strengthened our resolve and brought us to a place of growth.  Lord, make us one now.  Make us a unified Body in spirit.  I pray not for cosmetic change but a deep change that goes all the way down to the root of our existence. Pour out You grace and love on us!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Send us your Spirit today

Lord as I speak of service I pray that everything I do and say will glorify only You. Don't make it about my skill or talent or desires.  Lord, melt me so that I am easily molded into your servant.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Let your Holy Spirit have free access and course tomorrow as we worship. Challenge me to speak truth and we pray for encouraging worship that changes the hearts of people.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Prayer for Sunday

Lord, please come to us this Sunday.  May we be open to your leading.  I ask you to begin a new work in our church. May your grace overflow from our hearts.  Lord, keep us free of bitterness, worldliness or anything else that might grieve the Holy Spirit.  Lord I pray that my words will be acceptable to You.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Transitional Prayer

Lord, I ask you to prepare our hearts for this Sunday. So many changes are represented in this Sunday.  Lord, I pray for unity of spirit within the worship and LifeGroups.  Lord, I pray that all of us will experience surrender. Lord, I pray against any divisive influence.  Lord, may our focus be on two:  You Lord, and those who don't know You. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Teach Us to be an encouraging church

Lord, through Your grace, teach us how to lift each other up.  Lord, you have the power we need to see our church reach and encourage the community. Give us, I pray, eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit will say this morning through Your Word and through music and worship. Anoint Ron Foster to lead out in stretching faith and deep understanding. God we depend upon you. Encourage me today asI lead to speak the truth with a sense of urgency. M life is in Your hands today. Use this broken vessel to free people from discouragement.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

For Tomorrow

As we celebrate our last two worship service Sunday, God I pray for a challenge to be communicated to unify and grow.  Lord, this is such a risk for us and yet I sense you moving in this direction.  Guide our heart to not simply think of what we want. Pierce our hearts for the lost and spiritually needy all over Hendersonville. I pray too for the other churches in our community. Lord I pray for Northeast, First Baptist, Long Hollow, Central, and FUMC. Lord, come down to us and dwell in the midst of us tomorrow!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Prayer for Sunday

Father God, we invite you to flood the church with an anointing that will change us to be like You. Lord, we are weak, imperfect people. Come make our lives extraordinary.  I thank You in advance for what you are going to do.  Lord, as I speak about our words- may the Holy Spirit convict and change me and the church. Teach us to love each otherr with our words.  Full of grace and truth.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


"And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything." 

1 Thess. 1:6-8

Lord expand the impact of our fellowship in miraculous ways.  Allow us to be a part of the global Body.  Give us a taste of what it's like to touch eternity through ministry, intercession and faith.

Lord, thanks for Ron Foster

I'm so thankful for all you've done to get us connected to You through worship.  I pray for Ron and Tina.  Lord, give them spiritual depth and insight.  I pray that they receive the favor of the body as Ron leads us in worship.  Praise You Father!  Teach us to love You more!

Lord Raise up the right leaders

in our church that will pray and seek you constantly.  I pray for the 26th.  Lord, create unity and remove any distraction.  Lord, I beg You to send revival. 

Prayers for this Sunday

Lord, thank you in advance for what you will do this Sunday as we worship.  Fill us with a deeper understanding of what you must do in our hearts to understand your work here. Lord, I lift up the generational divides and pray that you'll unite us. Lord, I pray for vision and passion within our church.  Lord grant us an opportunity to have an impact here and around the world.