Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lord, You are amazing!  I pray that You will once again anoint what happens this Sunday at worship.  Lord, pour out your grace upon us.  Lord, awaken people ready for worship this Sunday morning.  I praise You for our 40 Days in the Word.  It has been an amazing experience so far.  Now we trust you to once again fill our church and revolutionize lives.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Lord, I pray for church will be transformed as they have a daily quiet time.  Lord, I pray that our young believers will sense your presence in everything they do in their time with you.  Lord, revive this church.  We so desire an amazing breakthrough!  We long to know you in your fullness and so look forward to rejoicing in the victories.  You are definitely at work here.  To You be all the glory for what you are doing.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Prayer for music in worship

Lord, We ask You to birth a spirit of worship within us.  Change us, Lord. Remake us.  Help us to look into the eyes of truth and be change.  Truth is Your, Lord.  I also pray that distractions would cease.

40 Days

Lord Jesus,

I pray for our church as we begin the campaign.  Lord, I pray that you'll change lives through your word.  Lord, for those that doubt, I pray that they will begin to trust in the grace You offer. Unite us as a body, Jesus and bring us into Your presence.

I pray for our life group leaders as they facilitate discussion.  Father, let them encourage the group and be courageous in their invitations.